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MechWarrior Mech Repair Bay

Back again with another how to. This time we are looking at the Mech Repair Bay or it can be a Mech Hangar. You can find the files here.

First off is to print out all of the pages.

Pic 1-Printed Model

After you print out the Mech Bay you will need to cut them out using a utility knife and a steel ruler (be extra careful) or by using a pair of scissors. Then edge them all in black to hide the white paper.


Posted in Paper Terrain.

“W” Terrain for MWAoD

These are some of the simplest terrain you can make. Just a few 3D elements to give them something to help them stand out. You can find the files HERE at Dungeon Crawlers in the Download section.

Step 1

Print out the tiles that you require. You will notice a few extras on the page, some grass and a log with blue tabs on the side of it. Continued…

Posted in Paper Terrain.

World Works Game: Hellworks


Product Photo of HELLWORKS 

Matt Lyon takes you to the very depths of Hell with WorldWorksGames “HellWorks”. Fire and brimstone dominate this model set with a demented landscape of pain and suffering. Packed full of unique ground tiles, modular cliffs and props, the world you design will take your players to chaos demon realms and the Chthulian explorations of your darkest nightmares! Almost any game genre or type can enjoy our Hellish vista. Hell, maybe it’s not even “Hell”, perhaps this represents an apocalyptic valley of death or an alien battlezone! However you decide to implement HellWorks in your next game you’ll be happy to note that it works with all of our other modelsets for the ultimate mix-and-match utility. Not only that but it comes in zero-grid, 1-inch, 1.5-inch AND hex formats for the ultimate compatibility with your game system.


Posted in Product Announcements.

Building the B7 3D Hill for MWAoD

Download the model HERE

This was a difficult model to build. Not because of the number of pieces. Not because the size of the pieces. No this model is difficult because of the curves in this model. If your a beginner than I can’t stress enough how important it is to take your time. This is not a model to make quickly. You will be required to set it down and let it dry several times before it’s completion.

Step One: Printing and Cutting

B7 Hill Step 1

Using card stock, either 150 lbs. weight (US & Canada) or 200 gsm everywhere else, print off all four pages of the pdf. Page one is the bottom of the model; page two is the top of the hill; page three are the sides of the hill; and page four are the interior supports. The interior supports will allow you to put heavier models on the hill without it collapsing. They will also strengthen your model allowing it to be used again and again! Get all of your pieces carefully cut out and set aside so they do not get damaged. Continued…

Posted in Paper Terrain.

Building Cellar Dwellers Blacksmith shop – Part 2

Paint 1Welcome Back! This is part 2 of my 3 part mini-series on building Cellar Dweller’s Blacksmith shop. It’s been a while so you may want to reread the first part which deals with the actual construction of the model. This part is concerned with the painting and Part 3 will deal with “finishing”. (You thought painting it was the end? :-o )

Read the entire article on our sister site: Terrain Monster: Building Cellar Dwellers’ Blacksmith shop – Part 2


Posted in Terrain Building.

Building Cellar Dwellers’ Blacksmith shop – Part 2

Paint 1Welcome Back! This is part 2 of my 3 part mini-series on building Cellar Dweller’s Blacksmith shop. It’s been a while so you may want to reread the first part which deals with the actual construction of the model. This part is concerned with the painting and Part 3 will deal with “finishing”. (You thought painting it was the end? 😮 )


Posted in Kits.

Warhammer Buildings – Mini Review

Why a mini review? Simple… I bought the Warhammer Building Set (The Big One) and if I tried to do a how-to, I’d never (EVER) finish it.

I ordered it by mail even though I live near 3 GW Stores. At the price of $180CDN, it qualified for free shipping anyway. Why would I, a terrain God (*Cough*), buy such a massively expensive set? So I can do an article of course. I also throught it was a good deal. The set contains the Fortified Manor, The Church, The Tower and three sets of walls and fences (not 3 fences… 3 SETS of fences).

Read More on our sister site: Terrain Monster  


Posted in Product Reviews.

Warhammer Buildings – Mini Review

Why a mini review? Simple… I bought the Warhammer Building Set (The Big One) and if I tried to do a how-to, I’d never (EVER) finish it.

I ordered it by mail even though I live near 3 GW Stores. At the price of $180CDN, it qualified for free shipping anyway. Why would I, a terrain God (*Cough*), buy such a massively expensive set? So I can do an article of course. I also throught it was a good deal. The set contains the Fortified Manor, The Church, The Tower and three sets of walls and fences (not 3 fences… 3 SETS of fences).


Posted in Kits.

Building Cellar Dwellers’ Blacksmith shop – Part 1

This project began a long time ago. Situations both personal and business related conspired to slow me down. It goes without saying that when I start a project with an eye to turning it into a how-to article, it takes 10 times longer to do than if I just sat down to do it for fun.

Contents Cellar Dwellers makes resin kits for miniature wargaming. The Blacksmith’s Shop is a fairly easy kit to build as the main building is only 7 pieces. Making it true (square) is a little tricky. Best advice here is to make a couple of Lego forms to line up the angles.

I didn’t worry about pinning the walls together as I was planning to base it and use green stuff on the seams. Pinning is the act of drilling small, matched, holes and inserting a small length of wire in the holes to “pin” the sections together.


Posted in Kits.

Carving Sprue Plants

I was asked to write a “how-to” on making plants out of sprues.

“What are sprues?”, you ask.

Sprues are the plastic frames that multipart models or minis come on. Most people cut the pieces off and throw out the frame. Not me. I never throw anything out (much to my wife’s displeasure).

I wasn’t going to write this up because it’s insanely easy and fast.


Posted in Scratch Building.